Thursday, January 6, 2011

How to Become a Process Server

If you have Been Itching to Learn the Process Server Business , or Maybe your a bit curious about the Profession . NOW Is the Time to learn.
 Don’t get sucked into buy a disk from someone with 9 years experience .
 You need much more than that to get you started.
 You need a Coach of some sort, Get an understanding of the real Process Server world and Listen and ask questions.  Get into Our worldwide Directory For FREE
 Well I Have a Website you can learn all you need to know for a great start.
 I Made this Blog because I am having trouble getting my word out through Google Content searches.
 So  I will Update this Blog and give more insight to what is going on in the world.
 I’m not selling anything , We are free to the first 1000, after that My costs will increase. But Now I Only Have 350 members, Come Join Us.
 Until Then , Listen To President James Finney explain how to become a Process server in this Taboo Industry nobody wants to share until Now.
Process server resource